It is important to make sure you have everything you require to set up the ideal pop up shop for all of your customers. This means that you must do everything you can to set out your stock of items in a way that is visually pleasing to your customers. Beyond that, you should also make certain that you are creating the kind of environment where people will feel comfortable visiting you.
One thing you can do to create the ideal environment for your customers to come and visit your pop up shop is to go to a porta potty rental in Merced, CA company to help you out. After all, it is incredibly important to put yourself in the best possible circumstances to treat your customers to the experience that they need to have.
Outside of the toilet facilities that you require, you should also make you offer free samples of the products you are trying to sell. After all, you want to be sure that you have something for customers to check out when they are looking at everything you are offering them at this time. The more that you can provide to them, the better off you will be. This is precisely what you should be doing to create the kind of pop up shop that you need to make your shop look the best that it possibly can.