Nike Air Max shoes have evolved since their introduction in 1987. Nike shoes developed their air cushioning in 1979, but it was not a visible element of the sneaker. The Nike Air Max was the first shoe to have visible air cushioning pieces. Originally the Nike Air Max shoes were developed as running and lifestyle shoes. Later, they developed models for basketball and other sports.
The Air Max units in Nike shoes were initially visible on the sides of the soles of particular shoes. This later evolved into making the cushioning unit visible fully visible around the heel in the 1993 model. In 1995, the Nike Air Max began to feature the visible forefoot air cushioning unit as well.
Over the years there have been different Air Max cushioning units based on design and visibility. The Air Max2 was a high pressure cushioning unit that did not have holes, like donuts, in the units. Tube Air refers to the midsole cushioning that was visible in small circles. The Nike Air Max Total Air referred to full foot air cushioning and Tuned Air is a system of independent cushioning units that provided different levels of cushioning based on the location in the shoe.
These days you will find multiple versions of the Nike Air Max or related shoes available. You can find the most appropriate model for your fit with some preliminary research and by trying them on at the store. Shoe fit can be critical to your posture and comfort and finding the right shoe style will help promote proper posture and gait.
Most running shoe experts advise you to take the water test before selecting the best shoe for yourself. All that requires is getting the bottoms of your feet wet and stepping on dry paper to create a footprint. This will allow you to see what portion of your foot makes contact with the floor in a standing position. Let your fitting expert know how much arch is visible in your footprint to help gauge which shoe, and ultimately which cushioning unit will fit you the best.