Did you know that 30% of Americans suffer from at least one night of insomnia throughout the year? We all have our stresses, after all. Our kids worry about homework, friendships, and their sports teams. Husbands and wives worry about balancing the checkbook, keeping their kids healthy, and maintaining their relationship. All of these things feed into sleepless nights.
Luckily, using high quality mattresses, like gel mattresses and Tempurpedic mattresses, can improve your family’s sleeping patterns, increase their health, and increase your happiness overall. Here are three ways which upgrading your mattress can help you and your family.
- Reduce Sleep Apnea
- Mitigate Back Pain
- Longer, More Restful Sleep
5% of the United States suffers from Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea is a medical condition that results in temporary stoppage of breath while we sleep. This can lead to night sleeps that leave us feeling completely exhausted. According to WebMD, sleep apnea may eventually lead to many other issues, including heart attacks. As BetterSleep.org writes, a bed that allows you to comfortably sleep on your side can help reduce sleep apnea incidence. Beds using gel mattresses and well-made Los Gatos latex mattresses can allow you to do that.
According to WebMD, 80% of Americans will suffer from at least one form of back pain. High quality mattresses, like Los gatos gel mattresses, are available for each and every American’s specific needs. Some people need a firm mattress, and others need softer mattresses. Whatever your needs, finding a mattress that is the perfect fit for you and your family members can be key to solving this common problem.
Because of common issues like back pain, sleep apnea, and anxiety, 29% of Americans sleep no longer than six hours each night. High quality gel mattresses, for example, are far more comfortable than the cheap, poorly made variety of sleeping surfaces. Since comfort equals a longer, more restful sleep, having the best mattresses for your family members is a no-brainer.
Whether it is you, your husband, or your children having trouble getting a good night sleep, the fact is that high quality mattresses can help. Consider, according to the Huffington Post, sleep deprivation can increase the risk of stroke, incidence of obesity, and raise your chances of cancer. Do not let a lack of sleep hurt your family. Find a provider of high quality mattresses today. Read this for more.
Yeesh. I didn’t realize sleep deprivation had so many other problems besides, you know, feeling awful all the time.
My husband and I both work long hours. We come home and take care of the kids, but after a long day the time we spend together by reading, talking, or watching TV together in our bed. After a while we developed back pain. Our new mattress fixed that.