Food and drinks are often some of the best gifts out there. But what makes these gifts even better is if the food and drink are from your favorite place.
There is a fanbase in Kentucky surrounding the state, the University, and, of course, bourbon. You honestly have to be there to believe it. Many people show off their pride with University of Kentucky hats, shirts, and even sweatpants. If you know someone who is a Kentucky mega-fan, but who also loves some good food and drink, there are some perfect things you need to gift them.
There are so many great Kentucky-themed foods out there, it’s hard to know where to begin. First, bourbon balls. Bourbon balls are chocolate liquor that pairs perfectly with gameday or a nightcap. If the UK fan loves chocolate, give them a container of bourbon fudge. It’s the perfect dip for some fruit or to eat with just a spoon. Give the gift of sweetness with some bourbon honey. It’s a great addition to tea or anything the recipient would like to bake.
The best “foodie” gift you can give to your UK fan is some pancake or biscuit mix. It’s a perfect way to get a taste of the state, and the fan can have you over to their house for breakfast! It’s a win-win for all!
Instead of University of Kentucky hats (they probably have several), there’s something they’ll love even more. This might be an obvious one, but the must-have gifts for the Kentucky fan are Makers Mark products. Makers Mark is infamous in Kentucky and all around the country. If you’re a UK fan but don’t have some in your kitchen, you’re doing it all wrong! Getting your fan a bottle of the bourbon would be widely appreciated. You just can’t go wrong with a bottle of the good stuff or other Makers Mark merchandise. Now, it’s important to note that bourbon doesn’t have to be made in Kentucky. However, 95% of the world’s bourbon is made in the Bluegrass State.
If you’re giving the fan a bottle of bourbon, they’re going to need something to drink it out of! In the University of Kentucky store, there are a plethora of UK mugs, pint glasses, shot glasses, and wine glasses. You can definitely find something to help them drink the bourbon, or water if they’re into that.
If you have a Kentucky fan that loves food and drink, head to the University of Kentucky shop. While you’re there, keep the suggestions above in mind for the perfect gift! So, instead of getting them the standard University of Kentucky hats, get them something completely different!