Most people are probably familiar with the current state of affairs in the country of Venezuela. Disaster. Chaos. Starvation. Those are just a couple of the words that should come to mind. According to the U.K.’s Daily Mail new outlet, while these conditions are predominantly prevalent, they don’t accurately depict all facets of Venezuelan society.
As the report points out, a very small, very elite upper-class portion of the population is living just fine. Better than fine, in fact. While the country continues to virtually burn down around them, the super rich class can be found in luxury country cubs sipping champagne, enjoying fine leather goods, eating expensive chocolates, and playing a round of 18 out on the links.
The Caracas Country Club is one such location this disparity can be found. Membership into the joint costs an annual fee of 77,000 GBP (roughly 458 times the average salary of a citizen). Members feast on lobster as they sit in plush armchairs made of fine leather goods, a material that’s been around since the Roman Empire, but has become increasingly popular among luxury designers in recent years. Presumably, items like leather totes for women, leather belts, and other fine leather goods are likely to be found on them as well.
Meanwhile, just a couple miles outside the luxurious paradise you’ll find the Petare slums, a place where “middle-class” Venezuelans dig through trash and garbage piles to sustain themselves.
When Hugo Chavez came to power in Venezuela nearly 20 years ago, he did so on promises of socialism and Bolivarian-style reforms. Today, those promises and subsequent policies have been proven to be the epitome of failure. Instead of breeding wealth and progress, the South American country is currently in one of the worst economic and societal downturns the modern world has ever seen.
“Those rich people are thieves. They are government cronies and they stole the country’s money,” said Vanessa, 36, who makes about 14 GBP a month as an analyst at an electrics company. “His [Chavez] legacy is people like me looking for food in the garbage.”
Chvez destroyed the private sector by nationalizing massive parts of the economy, setting prices and wages, giving away goods and services, all while making those close to him richer than they probably ever dreamed. Transparency International, a global anti-corruption/watchdog organization, named Venezuela one of the most corrupt countries on planet earth.
One man interviewed summed up the situation solemnly succinct saying:
“I can’t find the words. There are so many things that we need which I can’t find. Every Venezuelan is angry.” Continue your research here. Find more.