The people who are trying to get a haircut today will often want to find the closest hair stylist. While the closest salon might not have specific hair extension products, they still might be able to order the hair extensions that their customers want. It’s becoming much more common for almost any hair salon to employ professionals who have experience with the application of hair extensions.
These individuals might be familiar with several different hair extension systems or just one to two of them. Hair extensions are only becoming more popular today, however, so more professional stylists today are learning about the application of more hair extension products. Some hair extensions can still be in good condition after five months. This is a service that people may only need a few times a year.
Going to modern hair salons has also become even more convenient with time. You can often book your hair appointment online these days. People who keep their hair short often cut it once every month or so. Individuals with long hair may only get it trimmed twice a year or four times a year. The people who use hair extensions may need a slightly different schedule.

Plenty of women today love using hair extension services as a way to add length and volume to their hair and to switch up their hairstyles without waiting for their own hair to grow.
But modern society certainly isn’t the first time people have worn hair extensions for aesthetic reasons — and looking into the history of hair extensions is truly fascinating.
Wondering just how much history is contained within your hair extensions? Here are three of the biggest milestones in the history of hair weaves and hair extension services — the way women used to add body to hair may amaze you:
Ancient Egypt: 3400 BC
The Ancient Egyptians didn’t just build pyramids and draw hieroglyphics all day. Ancient Egyptian women — and men! — wore hair extensions made with real human hair to adorn their appearances and show off their social standing. Even pharaohs wore these extensions, attached to the hair in an intricate system of knots and braids. The poorer classes wore extensions too, but used less-expensive materials like vegetable fibers instead.
The Pre-Revolutionary Era: 1730-1790
In the years leading up to the American and French revolutions, members of the nobility and upper classes wore massive, decadent extensions and powdered wigs made with human hair. People like Marie Antoinette became famous for these hairstyles, which often looked more like works of art than hair. Such ostentatious displays of wealth only worsened the vitriol and unrest among the poorer classes, however.
The Victorian Age: 1850-1900
The Victorian period — or the Gilded Age, as it’s called, was a time of opulence. This opulence spread to the hairstyles of this time as well, with both women and men turning to hair extension services to show off their wealth and status in society. Women used the extra length their extensions offered to create styles like the Apollo knot, which is similar to the 50s beehive style. In 1873 alone, Great Britain imported as much as 102 tons of human hair from France!
Have any other questions for us on how a weave or extensions can add length, body and volume to your short hair styles? Ask us anything by leaving a comment below! Refernce materials.