Are you looking for fun fundraiser ideas for your kids’ school? Using custom T shirts for fundraisers is a time tested American tradition for raising money. Booster clubs, PTO associations, and student governments have been buying shirts for a fundraiser from websites for years now, and so can you. There are tons of ways to approach the T shirt fundraiser, but one approach has become a standard way of raising cash in a hurry.
This is a popular fundraising tactic during football season, and it’s a useful way to raise money. It’s also a common approach for marching bands looking to fund an upcoming school trip, or elementary school parents who need to raise money for extra school activities.
Basically, organizers will find a website that allows them to custom design school spirit wear shirts, hoodies, hats, or any other kind of personalized apparel. Often times they use the school mascot to make fun, cheeky designs that kids love. Thanks to the magic of the internet, you don’t need an art degree or a background in custom T shirt screen printing to get started. In fact, it has literally never been easier to make and order custom T shirts for fundraising than it is today!
After organizers design the perfect custom T shirt for their school spirit shirts, they get off the internet and hit the streets, or in this case, hallways. Students, parents, and teachers all come together to place orders for shirts in their size, and often friends and family are recruited to maximize the fundraising efforts. Buying shirts for a fundraiser from a website allows the organizers to keep the costs down, that way they can maximize the amount of money their raise for their school.
To help promote the fundraiser and give students an incentive to participate, many schools pick a certain day of the month where students are allowed to break dress code and wear their school spirit shirts to class. During football season, home game days are the perfect chance to show your school spirit. In elementary school, middle school, high school, and even in college fraternities and sororities, buying shirts for a fundraiser from a website remain one of the most popular way for Americans to raise money.