Are you unsure of what to do with all of that clothing in your closet that you simply don’t wear anymore? Before you contribute to the 12 million tons of clothing and textiles that get thrown out and end up in landfills each year there is another option that could not only benefit you but benefit those who are less fortunate as well. Charitable clothing donations have a multitude of benefits from making more room in your closet for you to go out and buy more items to providing that special interview shirt so that someone else can land a job that may not have had the means to look presentable before. Don’t just go through that closet of yours and fill a bag with items to be thrown in the trash, here are some reasons that donations are the better way to go.
Charitable donations are even easier than you think. All you have to do is gather up that clothing and get it all together in one contained box or bag. Charity clothing pickup means that you don’t even have to leave home to bring your donations and give those clothes you once loved a new home. Instead, place any charity clothing pickup donations on your after you call up for pick up, and before you know it those items will be on their way to a new space to be carefully gone through and distributed to new places. Donation pick up is easier than you might think.
There are millions of people out there who find themselves unable to afford the items that you might take for granted. By donating your clothing that is no longer used you’re providing those people with items that they couldn’t afford before. From those coats that keep you warm and are for some unattainable, to those professional items that are required for attaining that job that someone has always tried for.
By donating your used clothing you are also doing a large part to prevent the build up that takes place at the landfill every year. Considering how many pounds of clothing are thrown out year after year and don’t dispose easily, it is a challenge to keep the earth clean. Taking care of the environment is one of the most important things that can be done and by donating your clothing you can do a part in this.
Another benefit of going through the items in your closet that you no longer wear? The tax deduction. Any clothing that you decide to give to a better place can be a tax deduction that helps you gain a break when it comes to those taxes in April. Just think of how many more items of clothing you could be picking up if you simply get rid of some first.
With everything from charity clothing pickup to making the environment better, the difference is made when you go through your items and decide what is for you and what isn’t any longer. Don’t continue to shove things in a closet that has no room for anything any longer, instead go through those clothes and pick out the items you want to keep and those that you wouldn’t mind parting with. There is a benefit in there for everyone just by figuring out what is important to you and what you haven’t used in a long time.
Don’t be afraid to part with those items that you don’t need. Don’t be afraid to use charity clothing pickup to get rid of all of those items and to make space for all of the new products that you’re ready to get out and buy.