Your dresser is probably filled with them. Every time you participate in a fundraiser, family reunion, collegiate event, rec league sports team, and extracurricular activity, you wind up collecting more and more cheap custom tee shirts. Chances are, though, that you don’t have anything in your cheap custom tees collection like what 19 year old Robert Burt’s got — a custom tee with his own mugshot, which he wore to get another mug shot taken.
On June 14, Burt was arrested for driving under the influence. He was sentenced to spend 48 hours in jail after pleading guilty to the charge.
When he showed up to the jail to do his time, the proud teenager was more than ready to get his booking photo taken, because he decided to show up in his new custom tee, which had a his mug shot from his arrest in June.
The custom tee also bore the caption “Burt Family Reunion 8/8 – 8/10/2014” in reference to an incarcerated relative of his.
Burt said that even the officers thought the shirt was relatively funny, and made him hold the jail slate off to the side of the photo so that the camera could capture his unforgettable shirt. What resulted was a mirror image photo inside of another photo.
Once his time was up, Burt took to social media to describe the experience, making it seem light hearted and none too serious, despite the severity of his own crimes.
As you can tell from Burt’s story, custom shirts are great for just about every occasion, but there are some times when it’s maybe wiser to just stick with a plain tee shirt, and save your money so that you can get custom tees printed for a more appropriate, and genuinely fun occasion instead. Find more: theshirtprinter.com