Loving the skin you’re in can be difficult to do if you don’t even recognize your own reflection. Over time, skin naturally begins to show signs of aging, however, while this normal, several other factors such as illness, stress, tobacco usage, and frequent exposure to the elements and pollution can contribute to premature aging.
Although the fountain of youth has yet to be discovered, technological advances in health care — specifically in the field of dermatology — have given way to a number of highly effective deep wrinkle treatments, including injectables such as Botox treatments and Juvederm filler, as well as laser treatment such as Fraxel skin resurfacing.
Considered one of the best wrinkle treatments available to date, Fraxel skin resurfacing works by using a laser to smooth and tone the texture of the skin, which in turn results in a younger, more radiant appearance. Fraxel skin resurfacing has also been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat brown spots, acne scars, and even surgical scars.
Unlike early lasers used for anti-aging treatments that were known to damage the surface of the skin, Fraxel skin resurfacing works by creating controlled and precise micro-injury, which in turn encourages collagen production during the healing process. Collagen is vital in maintaining a youthful appearance, and is also a necessary component of the body’s connective tissue.
Healing time varies from patient to patient and depends greatly upon the intensity of the treatment. Following treatment, patients are often instructed to apply a cold mask to their face in order to combat redness, puffiness, and swelling. However, skin usually heals within a week following Fraxel, and the results of the treatment continue to improve with time. Many Fraxel patients are said to look as much as 10 years younger following a typical course or round of treatment.