Over the past three decades or so, athletic shoes have become more popular among non athletes than athletes. At one time, sneakers were the domain of athletes and school children. That all began to change with the first canvas all star sneakers. However, compared to the new Nike Air max shoes, those old all stars look like something out of the paleolithic period. When it comes to athletic shoes, the one thing that everyone looks for is comfort, because without comfort and support, even the sharpest looking shoes will end up at the Goodwill.
Nike shoes became quite popular during the 1980s. Before that, sneakers were rather basic and were designed primarily for sport. That all changed as professional athletes, school children, and adults began sporting the latest sneaker fashions. When Nike introduced the Nike Air Max shoes in 1987, the company could not have possibly foreseen how successful it would be. Surely, the Nike Air Max could not have achieved such a level of success by catering to the needs of athletes alone. Throughout the 1990s, Nike began to unveil new Air Max models for every sport and in every color imaginable.
During the 1980s Nike realized the potential of its brand of sneakers. It quickly became the brand that kids considered cool. And thus, every school kid shopping for school clothes begged for a new pair of leather Nike high tops. The sneaker trend picked up steam and became a fashion accessory of choice for popular rap artists. With its various styles and wild colors, Nike Air Max shoes have become the perfect complement to many wardrobes. In fact, it is not uncommon for some sneaker freaks to own a pair of Nike Air Max sneakers match the colors of their favorites outfits.
Today, sneakers have become more popular than ever; and they are becoming just as common in the office as they are on school playgrounds. Perhaps that is a bit of an overstatement, but it is not uncommon to see workers shuffle to their cubicles sporting the latest model of florescent yellow Nike Air Max shoes on any given casual Friday. If anyone doubts the popularity of Nike Air Max sneakers, take a trip to the local mall and have a seat in the food court at around 8 A.M. tomorrow morning. You will surely see retirees doing their morning laps wearing the lastest Nike Air Max sneakers.