This is an important season for high visibility workwear.
Although it may not be the time of the year when construction projects are in high gear in many parts of the country, it is the time when many workers are clearing roads and sidewalks. And while the ideal situation is for these workers to be inside a snow blow or smaller machine for sidewalks, all of these workers still wear high visibility workwear. from high visibility fleece jackets to construction safety vests, there are many pieces of apparel that can help keep all workers safe while they are on the job.
As people across the country go about the task of getting to and from work it can be easy to forget about the workers who help keep streets, highways, and interstates passable. With the best high visibility clothing, however, the intent is that drivers cannot help but notice these workers as they do important road construction and snow removal jobs.
Custom Reflective Jackets and Other Kinds of Clothing Offer Visibility in All Kinds of Situations
Keeping workers safe while they are on the job is important. As a result, there are many Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines. From the kinds of shoes that need to be worn to the kinds of clothing that are required, making sure that you follow these guidelines can keep workers as safe as possible:
- 33% of nonfatal work injuries in the year 2013 that required time away were suffered by employees with less than one year of service.
- A new employee in their first month at work has more than three times the risk for a lost-time injury than others, according to the Institute for Work and Health in Canada.
- A construction worker or laborer may walk more than 30,000 steps a day. This compares to the average person who will walk 10,000 steps a day.
- As much as $70 is spent an employee on foot protection every year.
- In the year 2014, 16- to 19-year-olds missed four days of work on average following a work injury.
In addition to wearing the right kind of high visibility workwear, it is important that construction workers, especially those who work in high traffic areas, need to be well trained in the best safety practices and procedures.