If you have too much stuff or have a few days in between your move-out and move-in date, then you may find yourself utilizing a self storage facility. Self storage facilities have come a long way since 2000, now almost entirely operating indoors. While some storage centers still operate outdoors, these are quickly going out of style in favor of more temperature-regulated indoor facilities.
If you have ever watched the show “Pawn Stars,” then you know how crammed full a storage unit can truly get. Before you find yourself shoving way too much stuff in your rented unit, you should learn the basics of self storage. This video shows us the basics of storing your things in a rented facility.
First of all, rented spaces range is sizes. They can be as small as a 5×5 foot space to a 10 x 30 foot space. You should consider how much space you actually need and plan ahead before leasing a unit. Regular access hours for indoor storage units are more strict than outdoor ones, usually being open from 6am to 10pm. Many locations have 24/7 gate access, but this is not a guaranteed for every service. Finally, these facilities have strong lighting and cameras for security.